The two pictures of the player and cartridge on the cover of the Strategic Business Plan 2006 were sent to members of the NLS National Advisory Committee on Audio Equipment after its September meeting with encouragement to disseminate them. As a result, William Graczyk of the Wisconsin regional library and committee member posted a detailed description on a web site for blind readers, for the benefit of patrons who can not see the photographic images. The following description updates his.
The player pictured is the basic model. The player is about 6 by 9 by 2 inches, in comparison with the cassette book machine (CBM), which is 9 by 11 by 3 inches, or 108 cu. in. compared to 300 cu. in. Weight of the digital talking book player is slightly over two pounds compared to the C-1's seven pounds. The body of the player is dark charcoal grey to create maximum visual contrast between the background of the case and the colors of the buttons.
The Rewind, Play and Fast Forward controls are centered and are close to the front edge of the player: The square green Play button controls stopping and starting playback of the book. The white triangular Rewind and Fast Forward buttons to the left and right of the Play button move through the book more quickly the more times they are pressed. Each key press gives audible feedback about how far ahead or back the user is moving. Just behind the navigation buttons are the Power, Sleep and Volume buttons: The round red Power button turns the player on and off. It is close to the left edge of the player. The white Sleep button, shaped like a crescent moon, will turn the player off thirty minutes after it is pressed. It is centered, just behind the Play button. The yellow Volume controls are shaped like arrowheads pointing up and down. They are close to the right edge of the player. Just behind these controls is a raised line running from one side of the player to the other. This line divides the six most frequently used controls located towards the front of the player from the Tone and Speed controls which are located behind the tactile raised line and on either side of the round speaker.
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